Shape Your Mind to Shape Your Legs

Exercise doesn't work. . .

You can lift, run, jump, stretch, and dance all you want and you could still be stuck with extra flab, tight muscles, chronic injury, and frustration. Why is this?

The rumor circulating the internet is that food is the main reason people have trouble with weight loss. They say that exercise doesn't make much difference if the food you're eating is low quality or high quantity.

True. Sort of. 

The thing about rumors and shocking statements is that they get you to read the article. Yup, that's what I did too because I want to make a different point. I believe that mindset is the starting line in the race to fitness. If your mind is sabotaging you, you're already running that race with less enthusiasm and power. 

Exercise doesn't work miracles for a few reasons:

  1. Sabotaging mindset
  2. Lack of body awareness
  3. Improper form/Poor instruction
  4. Long-term sedentary lifestyle
  5. Poor nutrition habits

This post is just focusing on overcoming self-sabotage. Look for the next posts in the series for more insights.


I started working out young and I was really dedicated. I led my first aerobics class at age 13 for a P.E. final project. I wore a magenta leopard print leotard and sequined headband and did a step & dance routine that would've wowed Jane Fonda! The girls all agreed it was a tail-kicker workout and I was hooked. I set my fitness goals and worked out daily.

But as I worked out I got discouraged with how my body looked and I gave into a downward spiral of negative self-talk. Working out became a chore and punishment where it started out as pure enjoyment and play.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You buy a workout DVD and push yourself so hard you can't walk the next day. That must mean you're getting fit faster, right? 
  • You believe in "No pain, no gain" but pain always stops you. Then you droop in despair
  • You dread the front of the class because you're convinced people are judging you
  • You stare at your reflection in the mirror just to criticize your clothes or hair
  • You view exercise as punishment for character flaws
  • You pick role models that are significantly different from you and then beat yourself up when you don't look like them
  • You get picky about types of exercise and refuse to do what's good for you
  • You cry during your workout because you're just not perfect enough
  • You pick exercise you hate and dread every second of it

Maybe I'm the only one who did this. I was 13 when these bad habits started and they stuck around until my mid-30's. It wasn't until I learned to meditate that I started to change the way I think. With a sincerely positive mindset I'm noticing fitness is just starting to "happen." 

It sounds weird, but here's what happens when you meditate:

  • Cravings are gone -- they're just not an issue
  • Exercise feels like play
  • New exercises are a fun challenge, exciting curiosity
  • Mistakes are just information -- not character traits
  • Nobody gets judged: You stop making up stories about yourself or other people in the classroom
  • Gratitude for life, movement, food, friends, family
  • Moderation is more fun than indulgence. Yup, really.
  • The mirror is just a way to check alignment (ok, and to feel happy about the new yoga pants you just got!)


There is a lot to be said for the power of your mind in reshaping your body. Negative mindsets can show up in the body in the following ways:

  • High stress hormones pack on belly fat that is extra stubborn and hard to lose
  • Judging yourself or others can lead to tight muscles and chronic pain
  • Low self-esteem leads to poor posture and chronic pain
  • Doubting your abilities leads to ineffective muscle contraction
  • Saying no literally stops your nerve and muscle connections so you get less out of your workout
  • Feeling judged can stop you from trying at all


I created this meditation when I was on a trail run and felt my energy drop because I was being hard on myself. I was also out of water, food, and stamina on a hot summer day. I was several miles away from my car and I was far from the road. There was no cell phone service, so I knew I was on my own and had to use my willpower to get home safely. Since my body was tired and my mind was discouraging, I had to use inner strength. So I made up this meditation to strengthen my legs while on the run. 

It sounds weird, but the pain in my hips and back went away and I stopped noticing my hunger and thirst. This meditation got my mind on the task at hand instead of all the complaints. Getting my mind to work for me got me home safely and I felt great (as soon as I got water and lunch).

ROOT MEDITATION: Imagine two spiraling columns of energy starting at the base of your pelvis and rotating inward like two cog wheels. Feel your legs rooting into the ground so there is slight activity in all the leg muscles. Feel the feet spread into the ground like pancake batter. Legs are strong, drilling into the floor while the feet are soft, relaxed and receptive. With each step imagine a powerful red light spiraling inward through the entire leg so you feel the support of the earth. Try visualizing this the next time you go on a walk or run.