Radiant Personal Training with Arwen

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Radiant Personal Training (3).png

Radiant Personal Training with Arwen


Take your yoga or fitness goals to the next level with private lessons package with Arwen. You deserve professional results! Invest in yourself and get tailored workouts that help you with your goals, technique, and injury prevention.

This package is a good introduction to private lessons. You get 4 sessions of 75 minutes each, which includes a workout and professional consultations to answer your questions, resolve concerns, and get specific about your training goals.

I can train you locally if you live in Utah Valley or online if you prefer the convenience. Please provide your email so I can contact you to set up the format that suits your schedule best!

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Did you know that personal training can change transform the way you exercise for a lifetime? Sure, you can show up to group classes and get some general guidance. But what if the teacher took time to tailor your experience for your unique needs and goals?

Personal training can take your fitness to the next level. I should know! I’ve spent thousands of dollars on professional certification, college credentials, and private lessons to give my clients the best quality of technique and personalization.