cardio hiit training 1

Plyometric Intervals

Warm-up 3-5 rounds (5 minute warm-up)

20 jumping jacks

20 push-ups

20 high knees

20 burpees


Core 2-4 rounds

(5 minute core)

20 Standing Knee pulls with oblique twist

20 Forearm planks with alternating knee taps

20 mountain climbers


AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible in the remaining 10-20 min)

1 min Football Runs

10-20 Tuck Jumps

20 Skiing in place

20 Jumping Lunges


(30 sec) active recovery


20 Burpees

20 High Knees

20 Double Unders (jump rope extra high)

20 jumping jacks

20 leaps for both legs (think hurdling or jumping over a small stream)

1 min run in place or 200 meters


(30-60 sec active recovery)


REPEAT if you want a longer workout